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Seasonal Illnesses & Health Awareness

All staff, students and visitors are reminded of their responsibility to practice health awareness, including cough and sneeze etiquette and hand hygiene. 

 Those with a fever should stay home for 24 hours after the fever recedes and is not controlled by medication. 

 Those who have vomited should stay home for 24 hours after, to ensure they are well enough to return and not risk getting others sick.

Those who are exhibiting symptoms of illness, should stay home until they are well enough to participate in regular activities or otherwise advised by a healthcare provider. Those experiencing certain illnesses, such as gastrointestinal illness caused by norovirus, may be advised to stay home longer.

Staff, children, or other persons can attend school or work if their symptoms are consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition (e.g. seasonal allergies) or symptoms have improved, and they feel well enough to return to regular activities.

If you are unsure or concerned about your symptoms, connect with your health care provider or call 8-1-1.

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