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Policies & Procedures

Educationfuture.jpgThis resource conveys policies, procedures, and guidelines that support the delivery of educational services in our school.

Extended Student Absence

We respect the need for families to take extended leaves, however, school staff have a responsibility to ensure families understand the effect of extended absences on a student’s education. Staff also has a responsibility to ensure you are aware that your child is not guaranteed a place in the same classroom after an extended absence. When there is a waiting list for a school program, or if you don't notify the school of a change in the date of your return, your child may lose his or her place in the school after 25 consecutive missed school days. If this happens, we would assist you in finding a place in a nearby school until a place becomes available once again at Erma Stephenson. If you are planning an extended vacation we request that you make an appointment with the principal and fill out the necessary paperwork.

Staying on School Grounds

No child is allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours unless he/she has permission from his or her teacher. Students must have a note from home indicating they have permission to leave school grounds.

Students should use the designated sidewalks and keep from cutting through the staff parking lot.

While on the school grounds, students should not litter and they should use the garbage cans for all trash. 

Strangers and dangerous items on school grounds should also be reported to a supervisor, teacher or the office.

Wheels, Bikes, and Scooters

Bikes, scooters, skateboards, heelies and roller blades are to be walked onto the school grounds. Please lock bikes in the racks supplied and remember to wear your helmets. Other wheels should be stored in the classroom during the day and walked from the grounds after school.

Child Safety

All visitors, including off site employees, parents, students from other schools, etc., must report to the office upon entering the school; they must sign in and out and receive a visitor’s badge. ~This is a protection for all children. ~Children should avoid all contact with strangers and immediately inform a staff member of persons spotted on the premises without a visitor's badge. ~Parents picking up children in cases of illness or appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) must check in at the office first.

Visitors to the School

School visits are encouraged and welcomed by family members. As a courtesy, however, we ask that you arrange mutually acceptable times with the teacher(s) before visiting. ~To minimize classroom interruption and provide safety for all children:

  • all visitors must sign in at the office and obtain a visitors badge
  • pupils from other schools are not permitted to visit with our pupils during school hours unless special arrangements have been made.

Prescribed Medication

If your child requires on-going prescribed medication and you have not filled out a medication form this year, please obtain this from the office. It will need to be completed by your doctor and signed by yourself. ~Return it to the school as soon as possible. ~This procedure complies with School Board Policy regarding prescribed medications to be taken at school. ~This form refers to medication taken on a regular or emergency basis.

~Medication cannot be administered until all paper work has been completed~

Digital Devices

Personal Digital Devices are defined as any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate or to access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, laptop, or smartwatch.  These devices are important tools which can be used to enhance learning and prepare children for the world in which they will work and live.  Personal digital devices provide support for children who rely on these tools to access learning through services such as translation, adaptations for Individual Education Plans, medical support, health needs, or to provide equity of access to resources.  The classroom teacher is responsible for the learning environment in the classroom, for guiding children to use personal digital devices appropriately, and for determining when personal digital devices should be used.

The safe and responsible use of personal digital devices is expected by all 51视频 School District students, employees, volunteers, parents, guardians, and community members who are on school district property or interacting with students or staff.  This includes the following:

  • Those using personal digital devices need to abide by the school code of conduct as well as all Provincial and Federal laws and the British Columbia Human Rights Code.  This includes not using personal digital devices to engage or participate in bullying or harassment, discrimination, or defamation of character.
  • At both elementary and secondary schools, personal digital devices can be used during class time to enhance learning at the direction of the classroom teacher.  These devices should be used in a way that is respectful of other’s learning and does not distract others in terms of light, sound, or by other means.
  • At elementary schools, it is expected that personal digital devices are to be put away during non-class time such as recess and lunch.   Exceptions to this are for students who need digital devices for medical or health reasons, translation, accessibility, or other student-specific reasons.
  • Personal Digital Devices should not be used during lock down procedures or drills.  The use of personal digital devices during this time may impact the emergency safety response.
  • 51视频 School District staff and students should not be recorded, visually or audibly, for any reason without their prior consent.
  • The 51视频 School District is not responsible for lost, missing, or damaged personal digital devices that students choose to bring to school.

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