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Accessing the Curriculum For Divers Learners (EA 2010)

Accessing the Curriculum For Divers Learners (EA 2010)


Length of Course: 50 hours


Course Description:

Students will develop an understanding of the Core Competencies, Big Ideas, and Learning Standards of the K-12 curriculum in British Columbia, and their role as Education Assistants in reinforcing curriculum in inclusive classrooms. Students will explore the various components of Individual Education Plans, and the EAs role in the development, implementation, monitoring, and assessment of the plans.


Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of British Columbia’s K-12 curriculum (e.g., Core Competencies, Differentiated Instruction, First Peoples' Principles of Learning, etc.)
  • Demonstrate understanding of a variety of learning styles
  • Explain the components of Individual Education Plans, and the role of an EA in terms of the development, implementation, monitoring, and assessment of the IEP, as well as its relationship to the classroom document, the Sub Book
  • Describe Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how it enables classroom teachers to meet diverse learning needs
  • Describe ways in which education paraprofessionals may provide feedback to the teacher regarding student learning
  • Describe the characteristics of a variety of diverse learners, and the implications for inclusive learning environments and social participation
  • Demonstrate understanding of adapted and modified curricula in response to student learning needs (e.g., explore supports for literacy and numeracy)

Describe ways to communicate effective with students with diverse communication needs

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